“Almost all perishable foods – dairy, meats, fruits and vegetables – have seen huge price increases.
“Almost all perishable foods – dairy, meats, fruits and vegetables – have seen price increases because of the drought out West, continued high oil and gas prices and diseases affecting crops or livestock,”
says this article on msn.com.
Notice that there is no mention of the record cold this last winter, nor the record cold just this month. Nor is there any mention of how EPA regulations are driving up the price of energy. And this is just the beginning.
“The price of a pound of ground beef increased 16.5 percent to $3.85 in May compared with a year earlier,” the article continues. “In the same period, a pound of Navel oranges increased 28.1 percent to $1.34, while a pound of American cheese increased 11.1 percent to $4.51.
I keep warning you: Make sure that you have a food supply.
See entire article, entitled “”Sneaky ways food companies make you eat price increases”: