13 June 2016 – Frost reaches São Paulo area, tropical Brazil.
Itapetininga records -3,3ºC and water freezes on tap.
Housewife Tatiane Aparecida Gomes, 21, was startled when she opened the tap to make coffee at 6 am on Monday, 13, in Itapetininga, São Paulo southwest. Water did not spurt because it was frozen. It was 3.31 degrees below zero in the city, according to the Integrated Centre for Agrometeorology Information (Ciiagro) of the Secretariat of Agriculture and Supply of São Paulo. It was the lowest temperature since the service began operating in the city in 2007.
It was the coldest morning in many years also in Barra do Turvo, in the Ribeira Valley, where the National Institute of Meteorology (Inmet) recorded 3.6 degrees Celsius.
Record cold in Mandi
In Mandi, also in the southwest, the Ciiagro plunged 4.84 degrees below zero this morning, a record. In this city, where on Sunday 12, the temperature had already reached -4.60, cold surpassed the previous record high of -3.69 degrees on July 21, 2000, recorded also by Ciiagro.
Inside the Tatiane’s boarding house in Chapadinha, neighborhood Itapetininga, her husband improvised a plastic tent to protect from the wind wife and Giovani children, 5 years, and Cristiano, 7 months. Tatiane says that the district is in uptown wind enters cutting the minimum gaps. “There is no blanket to give account.” Your neighbor, the day-workers Sebastião Pires, 55, reactivated the makeshift wood stove in a metal barrel, and cook lunch, works as a heater. “The neighborhood is high and windy, so I leave the fire lit at night.” The peasant Ivanete Souza, 40, also uses the wood stove to prepare food and heat.
In town, the houses dawned with the roof covered with ice, as if they were glass. People took to the streets with blankets and hoods. Agronomist Edegar Snack mind that lawns, trees and cars also had ice sheets. “I’ve lived here since 2002 and is the first time I see frost on the roof, a totally unusual thing.
Hélio Ventura tried to help the chickens in the backyard. “They were frozen, with a thin snow on feathers, gave great pity,” he said.
In the countryside, frost burned the leaves of a wide planting cabotiã pumpkin, in Boa Vista. The Amadeu Ribeiro da Silva administrator, 54, says that 28 hectares of the crop – an area equivalent to 30 football fields – were lost. “What is most sad we were to start the harvest and you can not save anything.” He estimated the damage at at least R $ 40 thousand. His wife, Fabiana da Silva, 37, said the field seemed covered with snow. “At 6:20 a.m. went out to take my daughter to school and the pool of water had frozen. The boards of the gate had two centimeters of ice, “he said.
In other cities in the southwest region the temperature was below zero; in Paranapanema (-0.81) in Taquarituba (-0.76) and in Capão Bonito (-0.28).
Freezing in ABC region. (A = Santo André, B = São Bernardo do Campo, C = São Caetano do Sul).
Freezing in several neighborhoods of São Bernardo do Campo.
District Riacho Grande suffered the most from the cold.
Residents of the city of São Bernardo do Campo, in the metropolitan region of São Paulo are sharing images on Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat, reminiscent of the south of the country.
The photos record layers of ice on cars and sidewalk. Center, Big Creek, Nova Petropolis Demarchi and are among the neighborhoods with more shared images.
In some places of the city, the wind chill reached 0 ° C. The morning was the coldest in the Great ABC averaging 2 ° C in the cities that make up the region.
Thanks to Argiris Diamantis for these links
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