August 02, 2013 – “A few days ago, the earth opened up and left a giant sinkhole in the middle of Dalton Hoss’ pasture, says this report by Jim Grawe on KWCH 12 Eyewitness News.
“The sinkhole is 200 feet across and 90 feet (27.4 m) deep. People are amazed by the size of the hole that seemed to show up overnight.”
“Man had nothing to do with this,” said Sheriff Townsend. “This is a God thing. There’s no oil well around here, there are no irrigation wells anywhere near. This is something that just happened,”
Kansas sinkhole in Wallace County continues to grow…
Kansas Sinkhole Keeps Growing; A ‘God-Thing’ 200-Ft Across, 90-Ft Deep Hole Swallows Massive Field in Wallace County…
Thanks to Kenneth Lund for these links